Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Woo hoo Got my License

I am so excited!!! I passed my road test... 
The look you get when you just passed your road test with zero points. 

Mental Strength Workout

Van Cortlant Park is known for some of the hardest cross country trails, simply because of the hills. I was in some deep pain, but there was no way I was going to let my coach see that I was not capable of completing this workout. This 2 hour workout was to test my mental strength, I am training to run the 400 this winter. This race is very hard and it takes more than talent to finish strong I need to be mentally prepared to run it and to know that I am capable of finishing it. I have never run the 400 indoors so I am anxious to see how I finish. I am happy that I made the decision to give up Field Hockey and focus on preparing for my winter track season. #feelingaccomplished