Friday, February 3, 2017

Lets start the count down...only 4 more months of HS to go!

Woo Hoo finished the 2nd quarter strong. This was one of the hardest semesters in High School, mostly because I have been traveling 2-3 times per week into New York City for Track meets and track Practices. I was not getting home until 11pm and staying up until 2am on some nights to finish homework and study for test. I am very proud of myself because I worked very hard. I can't wait to see my class ranking and my weighted GPA.

Monday, January 30, 2017

43rd Colgate Women's Games - FINALIST

On Saturday, January 28th the 43rd Colgate Women's Games had their semi-finals. I entered the semi-finals for the 55 dash in 5th place, I trained for 2 solid weeks, and I was pumped and ready for this race. Only the top 12 in each event makes it to the semi-finals and only the top 6 make it to the Finals. Choosing to run independent for the winter season of my senior year was a very difficult decision because there are very few meets in which an independent HS sprinter is allowed to compete. This is my 1st time competing at Colgate Women's games and it has been a wonderful experience, I have met some amazing girls and given an opportunity to step up my game to compete with this pool of talented sprinters. 

I am a FINALIST at the 43rd Colgate Women's Games and I am so proud to be the company of hundreds of national champions and these six Phyllis FrancisNatasha HastingsDeajah Stevens, Delilah MuhammedNia Ali, and Ajee Wilson who competed at the Rio Games in 2016 and Colgate Games Director, Cheryl Toussaint who is a Silver Medalist from the 1972 Olympic Games. 

Colgate Women's games has been around for 43 years and it is well respected in the track world, girls from age 7-adult participate and these are some of the fastest runners on the East Coast. The Colgate Games are about the importance of continuing education and gaining self-esteem in an atmosphere of friendly competition.

I had a challenging race on Saturday, but my accumulation of points from competing for the previous 4 weeks qualified me to compete in the Finals.  I wear this tracksuit with pride because it took hard work to earn the right to wear it, so I wear it with pride. 

I am extremely excited about this accomplishment, it will be a day I will NEVER forget, because it was one of my worst days but also one of my best days. It will define me as a runner moving forward I am sure. 

FINALS: February 18th at the Armory in Manhattan on 169th Street.