Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mental Strength Workout

Van Cortlant Park is known for some of the hardest cross country trails, simply because of the hills. I was in some deep pain, but there was no way I was going to let my coach see that I was not capable of completing this workout. This 2 hour workout was to test my mental strength, I am training to run the 400 this winter. This race is very hard and it takes more than talent to finish strong I need to be mentally prepared to run it and to know that I am capable of finishing it. I have never run the 400 indoors so I am anxious to see how I finish. I am happy that I made the decision to give up Field Hockey and focus on preparing for my winter track season. #feelingaccomplished

1 comment:

  1. I might be biased because i am your Mom, but I am so impressed with your work ethic. I admire you everyday, can't wait to see you run this winter season.
