Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Casualties of War!!!

YEAH.....not broken only sprained. 😀😀😀 but very swollen. Sprained my ankle playing field Hockey on Saturday 9/20....We won the game, but I will be out of commission for a short time. So excited I am finally able to walk without crutches.... Looks Like I will be back on the Field in no time. 

Field Hockey off to a Good Start 2015

September 23, 2015: Field Hockey season is off to a wonderful start....Our standings are 3-1...Woo Hoo I made excited!!!!

Who am I?

My name is Allura Leggard and for as long as I can remember I have dreamed of running in the Olympics. Whenever I'm about to take off from my start I always close my eyes and when I open them I feel like I'm on the olympic track, to be honest I swear I'm the reincarnation of Flo Jo. 

I know that sounds strange but whenever I run its like I'm a spirit. I can't feel the ground; the wind blows right through me and I feel like I'm flying. Running is my life; I relate it to everything I do, well that and fashion; you can't run if your outfit doesn't match. My goal in college is not to be one of the best but to be the best. In high school your goal is to go to as many parties as possible and don't get me wrong I love going to parties but if I had to choose between a party and running at the Armory in NYC, hands down, I would choose the Armory. Running has a powerful mantra it's a high, it's relaxing but at same time exciting and exhilarating. It is my go to whenever I'm going through my teenage emotions. I aspire to become an Olympian and a Fashion Designer. When I get to the Olympics I want to win the 100, 200, and 400 but after the Olympics I want to start my own fashion line. In school I'm known as a fashionista and I would love to share my style with the rest of the world. 

My grades are great, my favorite subjects are math; english; and french, I love them because they are complicated. In my school we switched from AP to IB and I love it because I love debating which is what the IB program really is. I guess you would think that my favorite subject would be art because I want to be a fashion designer but honestly I just love fashion designing because it's a way of expressing your true inner thoughts but with clothes, its like poetry.