Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer training...High Knees

Unlike many who are taking a break for the summer and will probably not start training for winter track until October or November, since the winter season for HS does not begin until mid November. I never stopped training after Spring season, I am determined to make the college team for my top choices.
I have chosen to not play Field Hockey for the Fall season. I felt bad letting down some of my Field Hockey teammates but my dad said "if you get hurt playing a sport that you don't really enjoy, what was the point".
I enjoyed field Hockey when I played but I realized I lost my love and enjoyment for the game and I worried about getting hurt and putting my winter track season in jeopardy. It was not worth the risk, it was a very difficult decision for me, but I felt that this was the best decision for me and my career aspirations.

I really wanted to just focus on being in great condition for winter track and I needed to work on making some fundamental changes that required practice for muscle memory.

My mom videotaped me running a 50 in slow motion....

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